
Transitions are delicate moments, bridging the gap between the past and what lies ahead. They represent a change of course, leading us away from familiar territory towards the unknown. This phase is filled with both excitement and vulnerability.

Unfortunately, these pivotal moments often pass unrecognized, lacking the support they deserve. Our culture has abandoned the important rites of ordination and passage, which are as crucial now as they were in the past.

It is essential for our spirit's evolution to be met with acknowledgment, encouragement, and blessings. These acts will encourage and strengthen our commitment to honor the movement seeking expression in the world.

What is an Anointing Ritual?

Anointing is a traditional practice of consecration, and ordination found in most cultures and religions.

An anointing is done to bless and honor someone as they step through a new threshold in life.

Anointing is a symbolic ritual utilizing sacred plant oils to prepare and hearten us in times of change, growth, or release.

Arts of Communion

This rite transcends a misguided reach for validation, permission, or righteousness. Instead, Anointing offers communion with the archetype of true Nobility, embracing our Divine Calling to serve the greater good—not merely for personal gain but for the noble cause itself, encouraging us to step forth for the benefit of all.

Anointing emboldens us to claim what is bestowed by Grace or cultivated through Faith, empowering us with Divine Pride. This exploration of Nobility is rare and potent,  aligning us to meet Destiny with Grace by our side.

This powerful experience quenches the soul's thirst for purpose, enriching our lives with profound meaning and direction.

Need more details? Let’s speak directly.

Bring your questions and let’s discuss how these rites can support you.