Facial Tone Reset

  • Research has shown that the act of smiling can elicit the release of hormones that contribute to feelings of happiness and well-being. In contrast, negative facial expressions can have a potentially negative impact on health.

    Facial expressions can have a significant impact on our psychological and physiological state. Every experience, positive or negative, can elicit a facial reaction. Over time, habitual facial tension caused by stress can affect the appearance and overall health of the body, mind, and spirit.

    A Facial Tone Reset session can help restore healthy facial tone, which can improve stress regulation and contribute to a youthful appearance.

    This unique therapy uses gentle touch on the face to benefit the entire body-mind-spirit. It is more than just a standard facial massage and the benefits go far beyond appearance.

  • A Facial Tone Reset can help you gain a deep understanding of your current tonality, which is a significant benefit in itself.

    You will also experience firsthand how to release facial tension on your own. Lightening the load on your facial muscles can result in a noticeable shift in your overall state of being, and appearance.

    Other benefits include:

    • A more youthful, supple and radiant face… and sense of wellbeing!

    • Improved circulation to the face and cranium… and the whole body!

    • Rehydrated and nourished tissues…. in your whole body!

    • Release of long-held tensions…. physical and emotional!

    Each session is unique and the results may vary, but they often include some aspect of the benefits described here.

  • A Facial Tension Reset session is a unique blend of:

    1. Highly-attuned touch.

    2. Gentle tissue manipulation.

    3. Perceptual practices to help access greater somatic awareness.

    4. Acupressure points.

    5. Herbal essences, serums, and responsibly sourced essential oils.

    Treatment occurs on a standard massage table while fully clothed. Wide collar, sleeveless, or strapless tops are highly suggested as the work may extend into the neck in some cases.

    If you have further questions about this service, I'm happy to offer a free 10 minute consultation.

Our struggle and our strength emerge from the same source, and [if]... we were to follow either to the ends of being we would find ourselves at home.
— Dianne Connelly, PhD.

Have questions? Let’s speak directly.

Together we can explore how my services can support you.