Somatic Attunement

  • This work utilizes techniques such as interoception, proprioception and attuned-touch to facilitate the release of muscular tension and adhesions, as well as to support the restoration of fluidity and spaciousness in the body. These practices can be particularly effective in addressing both the effects of physical pain and mental stress.

    Interoception, in particular, involves the ability to sense the internal state of the body and can be a powerful tool for improving muscle tone, posture, and providing support for emotional regulation. Similarly, proprioception, which relates to our body's awareness of its position and movement, plays a vital role in enhancing coordination, balance, and overall physical performance.

    In our sessions, we will focus on the craniosacral system, a subtle body system that profoundly influences the function of the central nervous channels. By addressing these central nervous system pathways and the motor cortex, we can facilitate lasting changes in the body.

    Additionally, these sessions integrate aromas from ethically sourced essential oils, sound vibrations, attention to the body’s energy centers (chakras), and attuned-touch massage.

    My aim is to guide you towards a truly embodied experience of health and well-being, leaving you feeling revitalized and rejuvenated. In a safe and supportive environment, you can let go of tension and transform it into energy and a deeper connection to your body's natural state of health.

    Book a session with me now to start your journey towards improved health and well-being.

  • In our sessions, we will explore the body via perceptual explorations of:

    • Space
    • Fluid
    • Movement
    • Breath
    • Dynamic Stillness
    • Listening and Receptivity

    Having a direct experience of these things allows us to discover, explore and attune our somatic vibration.

    When we are somatically attuned, we can connect with ourselves and others at a deeper level. This is called co-regulation and it helps us support each other at a nervous system level, where healing work holds its true potential.

    This work is not about complexity or effort, but it does ask you to be present and engaged in the process.

    Each session is unique and the results may vary, but they often include some aspect of the experiences described here.

  • At the start of a session, we'll spend a few minutes talking to get to know each other, answer any last minute questions, and set the tone for our time together. You'll then go to the treatment room, undress to your comfort level, and lay down under the sheets.

    Although there will be some tissue manipulation involved in the session, it's important to clarify that this is not a massage. Throughout certain segments of the session, you will be guided through movement instructions and sensory awareness explorations. Your active participation is crucial in order to achieve the maximum benefits from our time together.

    If you have any further questions about what a session with me might be like, I'm happy to offer a free 10 minute consultation.

You can restore your relationship to Health by recovering the awareness of its presence within your body.
— Ara Celi

Have questions? Let’s speak directly.

Together we can explore how my services can support you.